a 6 month minimind for the female entrepreneur who wants to juju her business, bonify her content, stand out in a sea of same-same-same, and turn her content into raving fans who then turn into clients who stick around for Decades because you have a timeless brand, a unique perspective, and your clients get results

"Aut dicta commodi nostrum quidem delectus molestiae ad et ex odit."

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In this 3 part training I am going to take you from ‘meh, IG STORIES are ok’ to ‘Holy Shit, have I been sitting on a gold mine this whole time? Cha-ching, cha-ching, cha-ching.
STORY $SALES Sells for $397, but right now - just for you - we are dropping her for $97

A training for you on Turning Your Audience on with Polarizing, FEELIG-inducing, BRAND-supportive, Movement-Creating CONTENT that will have your audience drooling for more and asking for the link faster than you can say abracadabra.

Turned on Content Sells for $197, but right now - just for you - we are dropping her for $27 

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STRATEGY – minimind immersion $0

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